Chop and Drop: Weeds for Mulching

One of the mulch harvesting areas, aka the yard

I have many areas around the house that are suppossed to be the yard.  However, being fresh cut forest, the wild field plants have taken over.  I plan to turn these wild plants and excess of trees into mulch.  The majority of our lot is wooded, so I don’t feel too bad having so cut areas.

I will turn it all to mulch through chop and drop composting.  All I did was chop the plants I didn’t want and strategically drop the clippings around the plants I want to keep.  Mist of the time, the furthest I went to drop was a couple steps from where I chopped.  Easy. Lazy. Perfect.

This is the same area after I chopped a bunch down and made a mulched bed out of the choppings.  The beds here are around oak and hazelnuts trees.  You will also notice that when an area gets cleared, toys magically appear.

Wild hazelnut, oak, and mullein
I cleared and mulched the cucumber tunnel and the corn
Mulched gourds and trellis
Freshly mulched zuchetta bed
The freshly cleared, mulched and extended giant hugel bed

This post is part of my food forest page.

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