
Change in Plans…Again…

We have been hard at work on the cordwood house for a couple a months now.  Although it appears to me as though we have hardly been working.  Everything is moving painfully slowly and outside situations keep putting a hold on the the build for one annoying reason or another.  …


Cob Rocket Stove DIY: # 2

The cob rocket stoves we built last year were our first try with the cob. They worked pretty well, but we wanted to try and make them even better this year. Here goes: The rocket stove that we built out of fire bricks worked wonderfully.  It cost $60 though.  In …


Cob Rocket Stove Build

We use our cob rocket stove outside half the year for all of our cooking.  The other half of the year it’s cold out so we cook on the woodstove inside.  We really love the rocket stove, but we could really, really, use another burner.  I decided to try to …


Canning Whole Tomatoes on the Rocket Stove

We have plenty of tomatoes. I don’t really have time to process and preserve them all, so I will squeeze in a quick round of un peeled canned tomatoes. And I’m using my rocket stove to do it. Get your jars ready, I’m using quart jars, by boiling them in …


Zuchetta Calabacitas on the Rocket Stove

Thursday, Food Day! Don’t worry, I didn’t know what it was either, but it was scrumptious.  The story goes: I have these huge zuchettas growing on the vines… And I had a hankering for mexican food.  Put the two together and you have…calabacitas! (Thanks to A Life From Scratch for …


DIY Rocket Stove

Now that we have a kitchen with a roof and some water, we need to get cooking.  The stove that we thought would work best in our kitchen was a simple rocket stove.  The one that we built was simple, but cost us $60 for fire brick.  We spent the …