Addition Step 1: Move Annoying Boulder

Outdoor Building

Step 1 for the new addition is to move an annoying boulder that is sticking out of the ground at a 45degree angle.  I had an idea that the rock was flat, so I figured I would give it a go. 

First thing I had to do was to dig out all around the rock, to make sure it was flat.  Once I got all the way around, I was thrilled to see that the rock was flat.  All I would have to do would be to tip it a little bit in the ground.

Once I could get all the way under the edge of the rock, I found myself a large lever.  A 2×6 was not strong enough.

A post that I had planned to use was sitting around and made a perfect lever. I was able to get the rock lifted high enough, little by little, while the kids threw rocks underneath to fill in the gap so the rock would be solid in it’s new position.

(I planned on adding a picture of the finished rock here, however, the children immediately took over the rock as a perfect place to play everything)

And now we have a beautiful, flat rock to be the first portion of the floor for our addition. The kids are quite proud of their work on this rock too. They did, after all, move a huge boulder!

Now on to Step2…

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