Mini Cordwood Build: Gathering Flooring Tiles


The floor we intend to use is a dirt floor.  I will get into the details of that aspect when we do it, but it is not just dirt beneath your feet.  It ends up nicely sealed so that you aren’t getting dirt all over the place.  What I am doing today is collecting different materials throughout the property to make “tiles” to make the floor a little more unique.

For the kitchen area, the mud room, and likely part of the hallway, I am collecting these nice flat rocks that we have everywhere.  I believe they are shale.  Using these rocks in the high traffic/ high mess areas should help increase the durability of the floor.  The floor does have to be resealed yearlyish, but if I can use the rocks in these areas, then the floor should need less maintenance.

An uprooted tree reveals tiles, ripe for gathering.

We had a good sized basswood tree fall over the winter.  I have been cutting up some slices and painting them to add a little bit of color to the floor.  The kids, and even the man, are also painting tiles with me.  The kids are really excited to paint because they are actually helping to make their own room.  They actually sat still and painted nice pictures on the wood slices.

The bathroom will also get some sort of floor tiles.  This floor area will get plenty wet, just like the mud room.  I am collecting flat river rocks to use in this room.  The larger rocks I am using for the kitchen and mud room aren’t ideal for bare feet.  The river rock is nice and smooth on your freshly cleaned bare feet.  I hope to eventually tile shower walls with these rocks as well.  That will be much later on I’m sure.

I know that gathering floor tiles is not the most exciting project I have posted about, but I’m pretty much waiting around for the digging to start.  The snow didn’t melt quick and our driveway has been very muddy, so I have been doing a lot of waiting and trying to keep busy.  I did most of the garden prep already, and I’m waiting to be able to plant more.

The kids’ tiles

The next house post will be digging!

Painted basswood round tile

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